Happy Thanksgiving Everybody

Thanksgiving is great... we watched a lot of football, ate a lot of turkey, and spent time with family.

John Wisnieski and Sara Lewis were here... I showed them my toe touch and they were impressed.

Grandma and Grandpa Mlnarik and of course Aunt Tricia were here... I kept them up late (until almost 8:30!).

Aunt Kathy, who heard I had been teething, sent me this... It's an ear of corn that vibrates when you bite it! Oh what a feeling!!!

At the end of the day even Kody was too tired to eat anything else... I can't wait for Thanksgiving next year!
if my nephew were any cuter, i would have to scream!
also happy to see the famous yellow & white blanket is getting used after 30+ years!
love the kode-man! more pics of him please :)
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