P-Nut's First Halloween Party

We hope your Halloween is as exciting as ours.
A child in the hands of first time parents!... And an experienced Grandmother.
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The instructions will appear at the bottom of each page. There's over 600 photos so have fun!!!
Kristen’s Dr. appointment this morning went well. She’s one day short of 15 weeks! We got to hear the p-nut’s heart beat and boy was it moving along fast. The next ultra-sound is scheduled for November 17th so we’ll have more photos to share with everyone then. Other than that we’ve been keeping busy with work and school. This last weekend went by quickly… we were in LA on Friday for Catherine and Jim’s wedding and then in
Hope you all are doing well.
See you soon,
John & Kristen
Some of you may already know this but…. Kristen is pregnant!!! Even though she was hoping for twins, the ultrasound confirmed that there’s only one little p-nut inside. They’ve determined that the due date is 19 April and we’re not going to have the doctors tell us the sex of the baby (but we both have a sneaking suspicion that it is a boy). Whatever the sex, all we can hope is that he/she is healthy and the doctors have said that from what they can tell so far, all systems are go! (Well those weren’t their exact words, but I think you know what I mean)
If you're reading this and think someone else may be interested in our news, feel free to spread the word. If you can’t already tell, we're very excited!
Hope you all are well. We’ll be sure to send out updates as the due date approaches.
John & Kristen