If you thought the belly was big before... LOOK AT IT NOW! Today is the due date which is based on an early ultra sound done in week 16, so we're fairly sure that it is accurate. At the last doctor visit induction was scheduled for April 28th but everyone present didn't think it would take that long. Dr. Faig has been a great doctor and we have come to enjoy the visits. He is realistic and always gives us an educated answer to our questions along with an explanation that is clear and concise.
Kristen's co-workers have a pool going and she's betting on the 21st! I've not placed a wager but am pulling for this Friday as well. With finals the next two weeks things are sure to get interesting.
This past Sunday was our one year anniversary
and we celebrated by going to brunch at the Marriott in downtown San Jose. The food was delicious and we both ate way too much.
Other than that things have been rather uneventful and we're just patiently waiting for the baby to be born. With any luck the next post will be nothing but baby.