Saturday, March 25, 2006

Baby Shower!!!

To view photos of the shower go to the link on the side of this page!

Thank you to everyone for all the gifts for the baby. We can't wait until the little p-nut is here!

It never ceases to amaze us how loving our friends and family are. When we moved in at the beginning of this month we had a lot of help. One of the mover's I hired to help out (because we needed a ramp to get into the semi trailer) commented to me while unloading "You have a lot of great friends here. I mean it's 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning!"

Today was no exception, the time was a bit more reasonable, and the food in much greater quanitity... we sniffed diapers, played "Bingo" properly renamed "Stork" and of course had a ball of a time catching up and giving one another the business.

We have received an overwhealming amount of gifts over the past few weeks and can't immagine how we would afford everything we need for the baby without them all. It reminds me of how I felt at our wedding, very blessed and loved.

Thinking about the p-nut and being a father brings me great joy and I am looking forward to all of the adventures so close at hand.

Monday, March 06, 2006

March 6th Belly Photos

Well the Baby is definitely on the move. Last night I put my hand on Kristen's belly and could feel the baby moving around, kicking here, moving an arm there. It is really something.

So, for the most part, we're moved in, now it's all about getting unpacked. The garage is full of boxes that need to be unpacked and gone through. Grandma Joyce has been here helping us this weekend and what a difference that has made!

Kody is getting excited too. He can't wait to have another set of hands ready to pet him.

Thank you to all of Kristen's co-workers who threw her the baby shower this weekend. We received many gifts and it was fun having people over to the house to do something other than work.